4 May 2009

Where is the recession and the mangled economy?

Since the last quarter of 2008, everyone was doing nothing but predicting where the world economy is heading, many even predicted that this round of economic slide is so bad that it not only sucks but hit us so bad that we can't possibly recognise ourselves.... Eveyone is a phophet of DOOM, preaching that the world is going to go bad with civilisation going backwards. We normal guys just have to be sucked into their belief and domains. We are damned....possibly pay-cut??

Just as we braced ourselves to be BAD....SUCKs, then the share markets worldwide just go up...up and away. Shit, shit....we missed the boat again. How can that be....another round of missed opportunities..... That is why we workforce people must start believing the economy is not for us. We chicken out when things go wrong.....we talk like a guru on share market when the market escalates to a new height, but when we buy, we lost our pants.......

When things look bleak, our employers are not forgiving, every now and then, reminding us to work doubly hard.....so hard that we forgot to live our lives.

Trust me..... economy is not for all. So start believing that..... and we should be able to handle our life, family relationship and friendships better. Live life with abundance.....economy is not important, they are for the rich......and perhaps for the academics......bloody economist.

So.....so....abundance of resources or scarcity of resources......you choose; the former contention.....that's the way to achieve greater things.

By the way.....I just can't find much time in writing this blog as I am also involved in another blog: malaysianinsurance.blogspot.com and http://malaysianinsurance.com

Well, click and visit me.....you should find alot of good and interesting stuff there.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

economy is for all whether bad or good, only share market is not! I supposed all working class will surely lose money in the share market, thus no need to think lah, just invest in whatever bond or property....more safer, can see the building even the price drop....