5 December 2008

Inspiring myself with every steps forward that you've took....

After a while, writing blog is not something easy and it is most uninspiring. Why?

1. Blame the bloody "streamyx" connections.....they are always up and down... when you are "hot" at your best, they became anti-climax right in front of you! Bloody TM... but then they did have a group of customer services personnel who is so ever connected. You called them, their reply is always, "maybe you computer got virus....or wireless??? Then next day, they will call back and check with you whether things are okay......okay my foot! Just to close file!

2. When everthing is in order, you now come back in front of you PC screen....your bloody mind is just blank! Another of this old old problem.... I just can't get myself writing on piece of paper ever since I started writing directly onto softwares that are available in the PC. I remembered struggling thru the bloody examinations that were required of me to sit in my MBA. It was bloody tough having had to work with my pen and papers. Why can't they set the question and have us examinee answering them on our PC and then press the "send" button and shoot it thru to cyber space....... Now another problem surfaced, I got so use to writing things while the PC is set into internet connectivity mode.....if it is not so, I have this problem of not able to write properly.....just can't connect.....I need to connect with the cyber space to achieve great things...... connectivity is my real annecdote to move me forward.

3. I am just a novice in the cyber.....i am a baby, a little bit here any there, my brain cried and refused to function! There are just too much to learn, too much frustration.... you can't make it even more difficult this bloody f4k streamyx......so damn blody f4king uninspiring

Where are we now, the bloody light is still blinking...meaning still problem off and on.

See you tomorrow......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are not alone. - X-files

You will never walk alone. - Liverpool

There are so many peeple complaint about stimyx... you can find them here. Most peeple use bad words, 'cos no choice mah.


How to Malaysia boleh? when phucking internet, which is the most important tool for moving forward, is like a snail?
