8 November 2008

The Signs of changing times..... the rise of the Generation X!

Generation X (those born between 1961 and 1981) has been standing watching for the past one decade; reluctant to get involved in most things, individualistic and cynical. But this is surely changing.....with Barack Obama's victory to the White House. Obama, 47 not only fits the Generation X mold in age, style and biography but also came to power as the President of United States of America largely pushed by the enthusiasm of this very same Gen-X group. With this sign of changing times and the added urgency for America to change in dealing with the world financial crisis comes the prescription of, "Gen-X to save the world...."

In our insurance industry there are signs of these changing times.... Gen-X group has been consistently pushing through the available management gaps punching holes making their presence felt. Better educated and exposed to the changing times of the 1960s and 1970s and experiencing early on all the major social changes in family values and behaviour they tend to be more strategic in their thoughts. Gen-Xers are able to see things from a much wider perspective, much more IT savvy and more appealing to the ever growing but younger workforce. With Gen-Y university graduates (mid-2005) moving in doves joining our insurance workforce.......things are surely changing......a different kind of leadership must have been or being concocted at this very moment....

Let us see how the next coming three years will be......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama is not a GenXer. As many influential experts and publications have repeatedly pointed out, Obama is part of Generation Jones, born 1954-1965, between the Boomers and Xers.

You may find this page interesting: it has, among other things, excerpts from publications like Newsweek and the New York Times, and videos with over 25 top pundits, all talking specifically about Obama’s identity as a GenJoneser: